Toccoa - Stephens County Humane Shelter, Inc.

Charity Event
August 22nd 2023 Fun for all the Family
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Charity Event
August 22nd 2023 Fun for all the Family
Learn More
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Charity Event
August 22nd 2023 Fun for all the Family
Learn More
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Open to say hello

Tues – Sat
11:00am – 6:00pm

1747 Scenic Dr, Toccoa,
GA 30577

PO.Box ……

Mission Statement

A. E. I. Alleviate their suffering. Elevate their well being. Improve their life. 

We safeguard ghhhhhggg


A 3 year old male cat, 
we can talk about him here or put hin on a feature page. as in press the button below or you can


They Need You – We need You
Volunteers are a vital part of our organization and whatever time you can spare, we always need help.

If you only have the occasional hour you can Walk, Feed and Bath our animals in need. Could you become a Foster home? Is admin or event organization what you do best? We even need volunteers who are handy and can help maintain our shelter. 

Coming Soon - Please Help

In July 2023 we are hoping to hold a training session and fund raiser. If you can offer up a little of your time please call me. 

Lost & Found

LOST – March 2023

A website is a great tool and working hand in hand with Facebook it can be even more powerfiul. For example make a facebook post and provide the link to the site to learn more also.

Adopt a New Best Friend

Our animals welcome the home the shelter provides for them but they would prefer to find a forever home. See if you can find a match for you.

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Adoption Process -

There is a small adoption fee but our animals come to you spayed or neutered, current (age- appropriate) vaccinated and micro chipped. You will also have to complete an adoption application form and a commitment contract for when your application is approved. To learn more and download the forms

Facilities and How your donations Help

We appreciate every donation. We are proud of the facilities we offer, but they do need upkeep. And it’s always fun to see the animals play but they also need care and medication too. Thank you for your support.

Animal Facilities

As they wait for a loving home we  make Health and Safety a top priority. The Stephens County Humane Shelter has:

  • Heated Floors
  • Heated Floors
  • Heated Floors
  • Heated Floors
  • Heated Floors
  • Heated Floors

Please make a donation now. You may donate through safe, secure PayPal checkout with or without a Paypal account.

After your donation transaction is completed, please click on the “Return to Toccoa-Stephens County Humane Shelter, Inc.” box to designate how your donation will be used, and inform us if you are making the donation in honor or memory of a person or pet


2023 to date Shelter Statistics
Intakes 300
Adoptions 262
Return To owners 27
Transfers 3
Live Release Rate 91.53%

2022 Shelter Statistics through June 30
Intakes 1392
Adoptions 1022
Return To owners 110
Transfers 171
Live Release Rate 94.97%

Support for You / Guidance Notes

We can provide support and guidance with care issues of your pet.

  • Low cost vaccine options
  • cremations
  • lost & found
  • animal control
  • animal surrender.


We can tailor a humane education programme for youth and local community groups.

News, & Events


What's New

Our New Kitty Room

Check it out on Video below.



3 Videos


We can add a Calendar

Dog sitting at a computer looking as if it is ready to offer you technical help.

Sponsors / Partners / & Friends



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