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Help & FAQs


You don’t need a privacy policy because you are not collecting data first hand from your QR Info Page. If you have a website and use contact us forms or other similar means to gather data you will need a privacy policy.  

Admin fees for the first year are included in any set up. Thereafter, if you wish to continue the service a renewal fee of just $36 per year applies. Nearer your year end you will be prompted to continue or cancel. These fees are not taken out automatically. 

You can definitely display items you have for sale but  for now they would need to contact you directly to make any purchase. You can also have a link to a place you do sell from, for example an Etsy Page. A dedicated website would need to be built to run an e-commerce site.

A link on your QR Info page will send people to places like YouTube or whichever other platform your videos reside on. 

Yes, there are a few options available to you. Please get in touch and we can explain. We can also link your page to your live Facebook, Twitter or Instagram feed. 

As a company we are non judgmental in our outlook, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and be happy, this includes our team also. Our aim is to focus on typical inoffensive mainstream topics and business ventures. That means restrictions do apply. Please read our terms and conditions for more detail.

There are a few questions we need to ask, please email us at
In preparation – What is the website name? Do you know who hosts the website now? Do you know if it a wordpress site? How much are your monthly fees? Who built the website ( a website designer or self/ friend e.g.) Once we have this information we can see how we can help and advise you.

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